Saima Jamal's believes in improving our local community of Calgary with peace education
- here are some of the events Saima organized between 2010 and 2015:
As much as Saima Jamal works on bringing ways of conflict transformation in the international arena, she works just as diligently in her local community of Calgary to highlight different issues of peace: Her work in this field started when she took over as a Program Manager of the Consortium for Peace Studies (CPS) at the University of Calgary (2010-2013). Through her work at the Consortium for Peace Studies and later through her work in the 2020 Vision for Humanity and many other organizations, she diligently worked on exposing the Calgary community to many initiatives that make Calgary a just, a compassionate, and an environmentally conscious city to live in. Here are some of the highlights of her work in these organizations on the field of community peace work.
Drumming with indigenous sisters for Canada's Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women: Saima Jamal participated is a very moving justice vigil on April 3, 2015 outside Calgary's courthouse for Cindy Gladue, a murdered indigenous sex worker of Alberta. May justice be delivered to Cindy and all indigenous missing and murdered women of Canada. Saima strives hard to use her social activism to bring light to the plight of MMIW.
2020 Vision for Humanity Symposium: In March 27, 28 and 29, 2015, Saima Jamal and the team of 2020 Vision for Humanity network hosted a symposium on human security that would bring profound change in the conditions that lead human beings to produce weapons and conflict. The symposium promote awareness of the challenges to human security worldwide, and how we can meet those challenges. It addresses root causes of violent conflict; by raising awareness of life-affirming alternatives; and by encouraging Calgarians and others to participate in related work.
Bill C51: Saima Jamal chaired and helped host a panel discussion on Bill C51 that featured religious, legal and political experts that tackled questions like What is Bill C 51? Why are politicians speaking for or against C 51?C-51 & free speech? Could C-51 affect due process? C-51 - Civil liberties and rights? C-51 & Islamophobia? C-51 & spying? C-51 and discrimination? C-51 and its impact on Canadian Society. She also participated in various letter writing campaigns and rallies against Bill C51.
Black History Month 2015: Saima Jamal was an invited speaker at Black History Month. She brought to the public Black Lives Matter movement and other current issues plaguing people of color in the US and Canada. Here she is with Nyabuoy Gatbel, South Sudanese youth leader and Adora Nwofor, renowned black comedian in Calgary
Chapel Hill Shooting vigil in Calgary: Saima along with many Calgarians rose up against hate and discrimination against Muslims following the Chapel Hill murders of 3 students. Here they are in Calgary in a vigil in City Hall on Friday Feb 13, 2015
Spirituality and Environment: Saima moderates a lively interfaith dialogue where Christian, Muslim, Atheist, pagans and religious scholars discuss the role of spirituality plays in our stewardship of the environment.
Harmony in South Asian Community: Saima spoke at a South Asian event on the topic of how people of different South Asian ethnicities and religion can leave their differences behind and come together to make a better community for everyone.
Islamophobia: Saima Jamal has been in the forefront of fighting Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate-incidents in Calgary. On Jan 26, 2015, she along with Imam Fayaz Tilly organized an open mosque event where Islamophobia, and understanding Canadian Muslim and Islam was discussed along with tours of the Akram Jomaa Islamic Centre. She is bringing understanding of these issues, overcoming fear and hate by doing media awareness, social media activism and structured events.
Peshawar attacks: Saima organized an emergency prayer and candle light vigil in Calgary City Hall after hearing the horrendous attack in the Peshawar army school where over 135 school kids were shot dead by the Taliban on Dec 16, 2014. A huge turn-out of 300 people allowed the sharing of grief and tears along with renewing eau others fate on combating terrorism. It was powerful and emotional gathering. She also spoke at a panel discussion on Peshawar remembrance organized by the Pakistan Canada Association as well as gave radio and TV interviews on the Peshawar attack.
Uprising Play reading social: Saima organized the social event that accompanied this very important play reading on Peace, Politics and Society at the University of Calgary that highlighted the Bosnian war of the 90s.
Peace education to High School students: On Dec 12, 2014 Saima presented to Grade 9 kids at a inquiry based charter school on Peace in Me; Peace in Communities and Neighbourhoods; Peace in the Environment/ Nature; Peace in the World.
Saima spoke at a panel discussion on racism, tribalism, neocolonialism, aboriginal issues and focused on the South Sudanese civil war and the many challenges this community faces in Calgary. Event was held on Dec 6, 2014.
Saima hosted Black Lives Matter - Calgary Peaceful Protest for Ferguson: In unison everyone called for an end to racism, police brutality, racial profiling in the USA, Canada and globally.
Welcoming Calgarians to do good works in net-working event: Saima welcoming people to do good works in the Islamic Chamber's Nov 19, 2014 networking event that she organized. Here she spoke about 6 to 7 different community projects that she worked on since this summer of 2014 and invited others to join the peace-building work in Calgary.
2014 Ottawa Shooting Vigil: Saima was invited to take part in Calgary’s Sikh community’s Diwali and Bandi Jhor Divas celebration on Oct 25, 2014. Instead of fireworks they had a much somber candlelight vigil in remembrance on Cpl Nathan Carillo and the Ottawa Shooting. Saima here spoke on all the work Calgary's Muslim community did on denouncing the Ottawa attacks but now we need the greater Calgary community and all non-Muslims to stand up to prevent the backlash and islamophobia that is resulting from these attacks.
Social Movement and Activism talk in a Muslim women's conference: Saima received a Certificate of Recognition at a speaking engagement in a Muslim women’s conference: Hayatul Muslimah where she inspired and encouraged women to come and join social movements and activism as an extension of their faith.
Anti-war Rally in City Hall We gathered at a very short notice in City Hall to send a message to Canadians that waging war on anyone who does not agree with our values is NOT the Canadian way. The danger is not ISIS or Ebola, it is the way we behave as human beings and the values that make those behaviour. We are the major instigator that causes those horrific things. Because it happens in a long period of time, we don't realize it. For example, we cannot talk about ISIS without first realizing our destruction of Iraq. Fact that the main stream media ignored the death of millions there, does not mean people there didn't experience it.
Hong Kong Democracy Rally in Calgary: Saima believes in global citizenship points out what happens in Hong Kong does effect us in Calgary. She addressed the crowd on Oct 1, 2014 in Olympic Plaza about her concern over Canada China Fippa act that the Conservative government has signed with China effective as of Oct 1, 2014. The FIPPA with China is an extremely unpopular trade deal that allows Chinese state-owned enterprises with investments in Canada's resource sector to be free to acquire whatever companies and land they want in Canada, without being subject to Foreign Investment Review. Canada - China - Hong Kong - we are all connected and how things turn out there very much affects us here.
2014 Take Back the Night Calgary: Saima joined this annual event on Sept 19, 2014 to raise awareness violence against women. Women marched at night to symbolize a woman’s right to walk alone safely.
2014 Jewish Muslim Council of Calgary: On Sept 15, 2014, Saima joined some of Calgary’s Jewish and Muslim religious and community leaders to talk about building bridges between these two fractured communities. Talks included creating space where lay people from both faiths can come together and talk to each other about our faiths and our political differences. A new group was created here and was named Jewish Muslim Council of Calgary and co-chairs were designated: Rabbi Shaul Osadchey and Imam Mohammed Zubair. It was quite an unprecedented new initiative in Calgary and Saima was honored to be part of it. The meeting took place at Calgary's Beth Tzadec synagogue.
2014 Compassionate work after Calgary's Brentwood slayings: The University of Calgary Bermuda Shorts Day murders of 5 innocent victims prompted Saima to organize an event which discussed when something terrible happens in our community, how can we "strike back" with something as impactful and good as the bad thing was terrible.
2013 Calgary Flood
During the 2013 Calgary Flood Saima Jamal helped with the donation efforts in the Calgary Drop-in Centre along with operating the "Calgary flood 2013" Facebook page that received over 2000 likes and worked round the clock in helping Calgarians connect with charities and volunteer opportunities and information dissemination.
During the 2013 Calgary Flood Saima Jamal helped with the donation efforts in the Calgary Drop-in Centre along with operating the "Calgary flood 2013" Facebook page that received over 2000 likes and worked round the clock in helping Calgarians connect with charities and volunteer opportunities and information dissemination.
2013 - Present 2020 Vision for Humanity: Saima Jamal is a key member of the 2020 Vision for Humanity Network and organizer of the 2020 Vision for Humanity Symposium and Memorial Lantern Event. This an independent network of Calgarians working for the abolition of nuclear weapons and to ensure ensure human security worldwide. In accord with the mandate of Mayors for Peace, we do this by addressing the root causes of violent conflict, including human indifference toward other human beings and dysfunctional but conventional ways of thinking about human and international relationships; and by raising awareness of life-affirming alternatives and encouraging the participation of Calgarians and others in related work.
2013 Gulen Movement: The Turkish Peace Ideology: In the 2020 Vision for Humanity Symposium, Saima Jamal presented a movement that has been extremely successful in spreading the culture of peace and attracting financial support. The Gulen movement offers potentially valuable lessons for organizations in Calgary that are also interested in the culture of peace. The Gulen or Hizmet (service) Movement is a transnational civic, religious and social movement led by the Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen. Based on the idea that respectful intercultural and interfaith dialogue at home and abroad can build peaceful communities, the movement emphasizes “cooperation of civilization” through dialogue, mutual understanding and awareness of shared values.
Summer Institute in Peace-building 2010-2013 During these three summers, Saima organized the Summer Institute in Peace-building that focused on understanding and analyzing selected theories and practice methods of peacebuilding / conflict resolution as seen through a social justice lens. Participants were given a cross-disciplinary perspective on processes that lead toward progressive, non-violent change as it relates to the individual, society (local / global) and the environment.
2013 "Peace Potluck Series" Through her work in CPS, Saima Jamal partnered with the Social Work Student Association and the Mennonite Central Committee to organize 3 "Peace Potluck Series" of food, music and brilliant speakers sharing their ideas and experience around Peace. Music is a huge vehicle in peace building as such it was a natural choice. The discussions centered around topics such as What is Peace work & why does it matter, what are the complications involved and what does peace work look like in our everyday lives. The intention was to foster community and build knowledge around peace building. Musicians featured here were Vi-An Diep, I am the Mountain and Kim Thiessen and speakers featured here were Abe Jensen (MCC), Margot van Sluytman (author and poet) and Karen Huggins (Project Ploughshares). Event's main host was Christine Helen Marie.
2012 Anchors into Life: How Veterans Are Healing Themselves and Creating Community through Farming. More than one quarter of soldiers and veterans in North America suffer from post-traumatic distress; many others experience difficulty reintegrating into civilian life. While many turn to medication and talk therapy for support, a small but growing number is turning to farming, gardening, and other outdoor experiences to find relief from stressful and traumatic military experiences. In this presentation organized by Saima (CPS), Dr. Stephanie Westlund shared her stories from her current research with veterans and explore how soldiers and veterans, even those who have hit rock bottom, are once again participating in North American society through finding what anchors them into life.
2012 - Present Calgary Peace Run: Saima Jamal (CPS) was the founding Co-Race Director and subsequent Volunteer Coordinator of this unique running and walking event for all ages who joined to celebrate the many peace-oriented members of the community gathering to make our environment, lives, and world more equitable and beautiful, through working together for peace. This run, the first of its kind in Calgary, is an important step in Calgary's journey towards addressing the shared topic of peace. Children walked alongside seniors and diverse participants from different ethnic groups took pride in diversity and the diverse paths that lead to peace. The run bore different messages for all but all were made aware that Peace will come about only through collective efforts. The Calgary Peace Run valuably demonstrated how collaborative projects are successful because of the individual's partnership with society. Let us not work in isolation any longer!
2012 Trustbuilding Leadership Workshop: Saima (CPS) partnered with Initiatives of Change to organize a half day workshop of lecture, story sharing and interactive learning activities, they provided the participants with an understanding of “trust as social capital” and encouraged them to look at the ways in which they exhibit trust in their own lives.
2012 The Festival of Faith & Justice: Saima (CPS) helped the The Faith & Spirituality Centre, UofC , Project Ploughshares, Initiatives of Change, Association for a More Just Society, International Justice Mission, the Mustard Seed-Calgary, and many more to present The Festival of Faith & Justice that heighten the work of faith based organizations in the work of justice done locally and around the world. The talk featured Keynote Speaker: Dr Kurt VerBeek from A Just Society who talked about his work on the justice system in Honduras. It also featured Consortium member Martha Mc Manus, Janyce Konkin & Karen Huggins who conducted table talk discussions on Restorative Justice, Peace Education, Trustbuilding and many more.
2012 PeaceTalk: Profiles in Courage: Peace Witness in Canadian Churches by Dennis Gruending: Saima (CPS) organized a stimulating discussion by Dennis Gruending, author and former MP to look at individuals & organizations that are providing a peace witness in our society. He said organizations and individuals advocating for peace have been muted in recent years, as progressives have been marginalized by the strength of the wider conservative movements. This talk profiled courageous individuals and the work they are doing on behalf of peace. The talk brought up some challenging questions from the public in regards to why some of these individuals have more validity in the west than others as well as questions were explored to what extent are the youth involved in the peace movement.
2012 Saima (CPS) collaborated with the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre (ACLRC) on a pre-conference round table discussion on Multiculturalism or Interculturalism? This discussion covered relevant issues within the field of multiculturalism and sought the opinions of leaders and opinion shapers of Calgary in their diverse fields in regards to the multiculturalism policy.
2012 Seminar on Ecofeminism organized by Saima to feature Dr Ronnie Joy Leah covered principles of feminism and ecology, seeing an integral connection between the domination of nature and the oppression of women. Ronnie showed us how Ecofeminism guides us to a better understanding of how to live in peaceful relationship with the Earth. This was an interactive session with music & talk.
2011 Towards Mediation in the 21st Century. A Human Rights Perspective was organized by Saima (CPS) to feature Jen Geary & ACLRC Exec Director Linda McKay Panos in collaboration with the Probono Students Calgary. The event covered alternative dispute resolution and mediation as well as the the human rights perspective in mediation.
2012 Gandhi and Islam: Saima spoke at the 12th annual Gandhi Society of Calgary dinner featuring Dr. Ramin Jahanbegloo who explored nonviolent trends that Mahatma inspired within contemporary Islam.
2011 Moving from Fear to Trust: Building Compassion and Community: Saima helped organize this event that featured James Nguen & Janyce Konkin that presented some incredibly solid ideas about community and trustbuilding.
2011 World Laughter Day: Saima Jamal (CPS) together with Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher Fif Fernandes and Hamish Boyd, lead a FREE Laughter Yoga Session for the whole family outside at the Glamshack at Glamorgan Community. Calgarians of all ages were invited to laugh with hundreds of thousands of people around the planet for good health, joy and world peace through laughter. One of our mandates is to reach inner peace and this event allowed us to do that. Laughter Yoga, a universal language, transcends all boundaries, faith traditions, politics, cultures, races and socio-economics. It is a global initiative to unite the world through unconditional love and laughter.
2010 "Trust-building: An honest Conversation on Race, Reconciliation, and Responsibility was presented by Rob Corcoran and organized by Saima (CPS) to focus on how honest conversations and trustbuilding between ethnic, racial and religious groups, leading toward building peace within communities.